Monday, August 25, 2008

Gifted English II: How to Submit a Paper

This is just a reminder for the students in my Gifted English II course.

You will need to upload your paper to by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, August 27, and then you will need to bring me a hard copy the following day. If you have problems uploading, you may e-mail me your paper as wither a Word attachment or embedded in an e-mail at any of my e-mail addresses by the same time deadline, and I will upload it for you.

On Thursday, when you turn in your hard copy, please do this:

--Revised (final) copy on top, with OR without a cover page. Paper should have a title, though!
--Rough draft and prewriting underneath
--Peer Edit sheet on bottom

I will have a stapler on hand. Thanks, and if you have questions, let me know!