Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hello! If you are one of my rising students--and the rosters aren't complete yet, so you might not know for sure just yet, unless you are in Gifted English II--then you will be using an online tool called "turnitin" this year. In fact, your first grade for my class (only five points, but every little bit helps, right?) involves creating your own account for my class on this website. You will be submitting most of your papers through this site this year, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how much it can simplify your life once you get the hang of it. It's like creating an online writing folder, and its ultimate purpose is to protect you from allegations of plagiarism, even inadvertent.

If you are ready to get started and explore the site, you will need to sign in at There is a link for students on the home page, and then you need this information to create your own profile with your e-mail address. (Please be judicious when using an e-mail address; if you have one that is more professional than "," please default to the better identifier.)

If you are in Gifted English II, the course number is 2341341 and the password is Classof2011.

If you are in AP Lit with me as your instructor, the course number is 2341338 and the password is Classof2009. (I do not believe that Mrs. Covert's students will be utilizing this resource this year.)

Comment here or e-mail me at if you have any trouble with this. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to a great year!