Sunday, October 26, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

My family's medical emergency continues; my father is having a surgical procedure tomorrow morning at ten so I will be out again. Hopefully this will go well. Please keep him in your thoughts.

Announcements: The pre-trip meeting for Prague/Vienna is still tonight in room 313 at 7 p.m., but my tour guide will be accompanied by my teacher-friend in my stead. I just can't leave the hospital and I hope ya'll understand.

ALSO: All seniors have a mandatory senior assembly during fifth period today. Check in with my substitute, get the handout regarding Act II, then scoot over to the auditorium.

Sophys: Please bring your textbook with you today. If you forget, no worries--the story you need is also in the yellow textbook we keep in the classroom. There will be 20 content vocabulary words on the board to define using the story you are reading; you might find it helpful to write the words down and keep it with you as you read. I tried to place them in order when possible. Many are words you already know, but Mr. Poe is famous for his upper-level diction, so see how you can expand your own lexicographical skills!

APees: Now that you have read Act II, you need to assess the soliloquy (handout on front table.) First, though, watch more of the Hamlet video--it's already in the VCR. Please don't go beyond Act II. I'm counting on you to help the substitute cue the film and stop at the appropriate time.