Monday, September 28, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Your teachers might be happier today, in no small part due to the wonders of Payday. Payday comes every two weeks and allows those of us in the public sector to pay our bills and continue racking up the minor ducats that make our jobs so worthwhile.* And today's payday is even spiffier--it contains a bonus for being an A school, so now I can buy more Post-It Notes for quizzes and more scratch-n-sniff stickers with which to besticker your festively festooned graded papers.

Gifted English II: FCAT Writes! timed writing. You will thank me when you are rich and famous. Or not. But this is a game we have to play, and it is a skill that you will be able to translate admirably to AP next year. Trust me on this one; we start with this style of writing, and we build. And all will be well.

APees: Macbeth Act IV. This act is particularly confusing, considering the expository nature of one scene and the brutal use of wicky paradoxes in another. I will help you! You know why? Because I care.

What's a paradox? Two places to fish! Har har.

*not to sound bitter; we're hardly here for the money.