Gifted English II: Return CMC focus papers; you have a week to resubmit if you earned below a B or had an "NS" (no score) on your paper. Please, please do not resubmit an A- "just to see if it will come up." I have almost sixty of you and another focus paper is just around the corner. After we go over the Common Errors List related to this first focus paper, I'll distribute this week's vocabulary list and the Satire Unit Packet.
The Satire Unit is one of my favorite parts of the school year; as you will see in the packet we will be studying Candide by Voltaire, "A Modest Proposal" by Swift, three or four other short pieces, the Python movie, satirical analyses in modern writing, and critical thinking skills as modeled in media literacy modes. Satire is one of the most controversial of genres, since many people fail to understand its symbolism.
I am distributing the packet today for your own convenience; don't lose it!
Today, though, we are going to finish analyzing the Poe story and take a look at the ambiguous ending and its syntax. If we have time today, we'll start the syntactical analysis of a passage from the tale, too. So many great things going on in Giftedland!
APeeps: More Hamlet action, including the critical essay piece "Why Hamlet Delays His Revenge." I have some content vocabulary for you, too, and will be distributing the next focus paper assignment today. Yup! Good times abound.