Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Senior Breakfast is this morning, so if you don't have a ticket at this point I fear it might be too late. You could throw yourself on Mrs. Kittrell's mercy, though. I think the Senior Breakfast runs through the first part of third period, so if you are in my third period class and are going to miss today, please come see me to get the necessary information.

Gifted English II: Media Literacy Unit (we began this before the Thanksgiving break) and review for Thursday's Candide unit test. If you are going to the Honors breakfast tomorrow, please let me know today. Thanks!

APees: Hamlet, Act V (viewing) and quiz on Act V. We have a Hamlet unit test on Friday (most likely--if the sand shifts too much this week, we can put it off until next week) and we need to continue moving forward with this unit preparatory to our semester test.