Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gifted English II: Today, we will review the Candide content vocabulary (see list below) and then finish "Python."

APeeps: Act IV Quiz for Hamlet, part I--(Part II is tomorrow, and is more objective) and help with the focus paper. We need to go over the rest of Act IV and then go headlong into Act V. Selected quotes from the play will be on the board; our next critical essay is T.S. Eliot's assessment of Hamlet. Hint: He doesn't like it.

Candide Content Vocabulary List

  1. harrowed
  2. pensive
  3. insolence
  4. disconcerted
  5. consternation
  6. rapacity
  7. exquisite
  8. prodigious
  9. sage
  10. laudable