Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Teacher in Paris

I am updating my assignment blog (such as it is) from the Toronto airport, during a monster layover between Paris and Orlando. The students who accompanied me on this latest journey were so great--ask Margaret, Derek, Taylor, Candace, Victoria, Amy, Erica, Alex, Monica, or Lara about the various hijinks. We saw and did so much! So instead of going on to Wednesday's lesson plan, I'm taking a teeny detour.

Many of you are preparing to graduate this year; I would encourage you to utilize as many opportunities for scholarships and financial aid as you can in order to ameliorate the expense of college and allow you to spend time abroad during your college adventure if you can. I really believe that the world is an outstanding classroom and I regret profoundly that, with the exception of a few weeks in Great Britain in high school, I didn't start traveling extensively until I was in my 30's.

This past week, we have seen some of the greatest works of art known to humanity. We have experienced a different culture. We have seen historical monuments, embraced a new language, made new friends, tried new foods. We went to Versailles and saw why there was a revolution. We went to Chartres and learned to "read" stained glass from the esteemed Malcolm Miller. Most importantly, we walked through a fantastic city and entrenched ourselves in a new reality for a few days.

Regardless of where you go--Asia, South America, India, Australia or New Zealand, Africa, the Middle East, Antartica (!) or Europe, or if you stay here and explore the rich vistas our own country offers--I encourage you to get out of your house, shake off the stasis of your daily routine, and see the world firsthand. Travel is enlivening. Go do it.

Much love to all of you, and I hope you had a TERRIFIC Thanksgiving week!